Debbie and I were both planning on making this Mark Bittman recipe with the Brussels Sprouts in the final :-(, CSA box of the season.
This one should convert any sprout haters. Per the Bittman video, I used fresh figs and just tossed them in right at the end. This is also a good one to bust out your better bottle of balsamic vinegar. Fig flavored, if you've got it.
The sweet and salty play against the shredded (therefore disguised to the unknowing) sprouts is divine.
I have to say too, that the radishes were some of the tastiest I've ever had; even the biggest ones were fairly sweet. I ate 'em all with a little salt while making dinner, which in addition to this recipe included a few slices of smoked pork tenderloin with a spoonful of pepper jelly and some smashed cannellini beans with herbs. Mmmmm.
I'll be retaining water like the blimp tomorrow, but it was definitely worth it!