Last night I made a bean salad using two cans of beans (different) and a can of artichoke hearts from the pantry, some pickled red onion I had made previously, celery, parsley, S & P, olive oil and red wine vinegar. It is my lunch today, and it's not bad, I do say so myself! Pretty simple and easy, but after removing two cans from the pantry, I still don't see any new space available.
I have been trying to duplicate pickled red onions that I had at L'Albatros Brasserie in University Circle in Cleveland a while back. They were wonderful. I have made David Lebovitz and Smitten Kitchen , but I haven't hit on it yet. Next I'm going to try Thomas Keller's recipe from Ad Hoc At Home. Anybody got one they like? For me it needs a little sweetness to it, and probably a pricey vinegar!
I bought a pricey red wine vinegar a few weeks ago, and the difference between it and the regular grocery store brand is pretty amazing. I can't remember where I got it or the name, but I'll post it in the future. The expensive vinegar (at least this one) doesn't have that "bite" that others have. It is smooth, for a vinegar. I will continue on with the "pantry clean-out", so stay tuned. There's lots of beans in there!
Baked BBQ Pork Chops with Lots of Veggies
2 hours ago