I use soil blocks for some crops, those that don't need transplanted into a bigger pot before going into the field. I like them because they produce a bigger and healthier transplant and they also reduce the transplant shock when they do get planted outside. They are made using a special organic potting mix that I buy from Ohio Earth Food in Hartville, plus a 4 block maker that is a mold. (I should have taken a picture of the block maker!) Ohio Earth Food carries many of the organic supplies I need to comply with the organic standards for growing vegetables.
Next will be the onions, peppers, some tomatoes (not all), eggplant, and more herbs. I will have transplants for sale this year of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and just about anything that I grow. I know some of you have your own home gardens to suppliment your CSA shares. I will let you know when they are ready.
That's all for now. Thanks again, Bradley!
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