The garden was chisel plowed by a local farmer/friend, Jim Berry. He has such large equipment, he can do it in about 14 minutes. I still have to till it, that takes about 4 hours with my small tractor! He is very generous to do this for me, saves me much time. Eventually I will get a small chisel plow or a more powerful tiller so that I can do it myself, but for now I'll let Jim do it if he's willing.
Everything is growing well in the greenhouse. Today I planted swiss chard, beets (red & chioggia), pac choi, and kohlrabi. I also planted some tomato plants for pot sales. If any of you are planning your own garden to supplement your CSA share, I will have some plants for sale in about 3 or 4 weeks. Planting in the ground will begin later this month, or early May, depending on the weather.
I spent Easter in Denver with my 3 children and my daughter-in-law and granddaughter. On Saturday my daughter and I went to opening day of the Boulder Farmers' Market. This market is one of the best I have ever attended. So many vendors and lots of customers. But we have markets just as good, such as the Countryside Conservancy Market in the Cuyahoga Valley Park. There is a market this Saturday at the Happy Days Visitor Center on Rt. 303, starting at 9:00 am. Get there early if you want the best selection. This Saturday is the last winter market at this location. The weekly Saturday morning markets begin May 15th at Howe Meadow on Riverview Road. I just love this market and am friends with many of the vendors. I also volunteer on the advisory committee, which helps the market manager set policies and select vendors for the season. This should be our best year ever, and I hope you will attend at some time this season and support all the vendors that are working so hard to bring local products to the community.
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