Dear Shareholders:
It's been a long time since I have contacted you. We are less than two weeks away from the first pick up. I have been very busy planting, tilling, seeding, laying out irrigation lines, fertilizing, cultivating, and who knows what else! Most of the crops are in the ground and doing well despite all the rain. We have had over 5" inches since the end of May. Things are starting to dry out now and are looking good.
I will be at the farm all this week, June 8 - June 14, so it's a good time to come out to the farm if you haven't already, and see what's going on. Also, if we haven't met each other yet, I would really like to place a face with a name! Please let me know when, via email or cell 330-714-5008, and schedule a time. I am also in need of help in planting the 600 or so tomato plants, 330+ pepper plants, and eggplant (don't remember how many). If you would like to help, I will be planting Tues, Wed., and Thurs. this week. I am flexible as far as what time, but I would prefer to have only 2-3 people at a time. If you can't make it during the day, then perhaps in the evening. I'm asking for just a couple of hours per volunteer. This is not mandatory, just a request for volunteers if you are able.
I will be sending emails on the night before pick up and posting the same email to the blog. Recipes will be found at the blog only.
I also have extra tomato and pepper plants for sale, in quart pots. They are $3.00 each. I grow mostly heirlooms and unusual varieties from Seeds of Italy. Let me know if you want any or get them when you come out to the farm. I hope to see many of you this week!
Debbie Fox
Baked BBQ Pork Chops with Lots of Veggies
15 hours ago
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