Hello everyone! My name is Mary Tramonte and I am a certified holistic health counselor in training. I will be done with school in July and am now ready to start helping others feel amazing by teaching them healthy habits, relaxation techniques, and nutrient packed, easy and fun recipes! It is a very exciting time and if you would like to learn more about how my 6 month program can help you or for a free health consultation, please let me know! I can be reached at mjacquelinet@yahoo.com.
I am going to post the nutritional benefits of the veggies in the share, so check back weekly for new information on how this week’s share is improving your health!
This week I am going to focus on Broccoli Rabe, Arugula and Pac Choi. They all are great sources of Vitamins A and C, among many other things. I also want to mention that Oregano is fabulous because it has more antioxidants than any other herb!
Broccoli Rabe
Broccoli Rabe is actually not related to broccoli at all. It is closely related to turnips and is a descendent of a wild herb. This green veggie is the most popular vegetable in Hong Kong and for many reasons. Besides its many uses, it has many health benefits. Broccoli Rabe is a great source of vitamins A, C and K, as well as potassium, calcium and iron. According to macrobiotic beliefs, it can be grounding and help you feel centered.
Green vegetables have so many great benefits for your physical and mental health, just to name a few: Blood purification, cancer prevention, improved circulation, strengthened immune system, detoxification, etc. The list goes on and on, but unfortunately this food group is missing most often in Americans diets.
Arugula is part of the cabbage family and was known to Ancient Romans and Egyptians as an aphrodisiac. It is said to help clear the mind and is helpful, especially in the spring and early summer, because it is light and energizing and will help you forget about the long winter and get ready for the summer! Like most greens, arugula is very low in calories, but high in Vitamins A , C and E and a good source of calcium and folate. A half cup serving is only 2 calories! Arugula contains glucosinates, which are anticancer compounds and strongly promote natural detoxifying enzymes.
Pac choi
Pac choi has so many different names because of the different dialects in Asia, where it originates. Literally translated, pac choi means white vegetable. The entire plant is edible, including the green leaves, which are a good source of calcium and fiber. It is also high in Vitamin A, B6 and C. It is high in beta-carotene and anti-oxidants, both which are known to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
Baked BBQ Pork Chops with Lots of Veggies
14 hours ago
Thank you, Mary. This is wonderful information.
I loved your post, Mary! I know I'll get so much out of all your knowledge!
Love, M
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